18 February, 2012

Me- William, it's time for you to go to bed.

William- I certainly not!

17 February, 2012

Things that are impossible for me to refuse...

A two year old asking for an "ice-cream subway".

07 February, 2012

William and Henry did not want to get in the car this afternoon to get Noah from a friend's house. William asks why he has to go, and I explain that it is not safe for him to be here alone, he is 2, etc. 2!! He asks again, and I explain that it is the law. (That'll get him.) He gives me that squinty face he does, looking around the kitchen, and says "Mommy, I no see no wetters."

Noah climbed into the car today after an after-school play date and said to his brothers,

"Hi guys, how are you? I missed you today."

I just wanted to remember that.

05 February, 2012

Super Bowl

If we could have only know how significantly our lives would change by having kids. Crazy. Golf, Cub Scouts, the Super Bowl. Noah was so excited about the Super Bowl tonight. He applied face paint (magic marker) to his and Henry's face and put on his football shirt. Life with these three boys is so much fun. Totally just Holdin' on for their ride...
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