30 June, 2009


William had a big blow out of a poop yesterday that required an immediate trip to the tubby. Noah was very excited to help, and in the most enthusiastic of tones exclaimed--

"Oh, cool, William! That's so cool it's pooperific!"


thepagefamily said...

This is too funny. :)

Ry and Olivia were in the tub together the other day and Olivia started pushing. We went crazy trying to get them both out of the tub in time and Ryan thought it was HILARIOUS, as I scooped poop out of the tub!

thepagefamily said...

This is too funny.

I was giving Ry and Olivia a bath together the other day and Olivia started to push. I was rushing to try to get them both out in time. Ryan thought it was HILARIOUS as I scooped poop out of the tub!