27 November, 2009

Time with GG,

experiments with electricity,

snuggling with Grandma,

delicious food.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thankfulness abounds around these parts. Big, big thankfulness. Love to all of our friends and family who were not with us to celebrate.
Blessings to you all...
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22 November, 2009

The smiling eyes of a baby looking up to find his big brother. Big love...
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12 November, 2009

"Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth "you owe me." A love like that lights the whole world." ~ Hafiz

Read this on someones Mothering signature today and just had to share.

08 November, 2009

I am most at peace when I am in the outdoors. Always have been. I become easily overwhelmed when I'm in a big store, don't do well in crowds. When I'm having a rough time I remind myself to go outside, feel the sun on my face, and breathe. I am pretty sure my little fellas are like this too, and I just love sharing this time with them. The experience is very much their own, exploring, being. But I feel so fortunate to witness it.

We have some wonderful trails behind our house, we walked them today. You're welcome here any time-- really. Park in our driveway and just head on back. Let us know if you want some company. And enjoy.
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05 November, 2009

One of the boys' favorite shows is Curious George. Apparently there was an episode on recently which had good old George earning money for doing chores around the house. Not generally a tactic we employ around here, but maybe that will change.

Noah approached me yesterday asking if he could do some things to help out around the house. In exchange, he informed me, I should give him money. Then he could go to the store and buy whatever he wanted. Commercials, ugh.

When he returned minutes later asking for his payment I handed him a penny. A good start, I figured.

"No, no" he states, "I meant paper money."

Footnote: We're on Day 1 of TV Detox. It was a difficult morning, but we're getting through. Henry and William are now taking naps, and Noah is creating his own game. Well worth the pain, I think.