31 October, 2011

Snow Day Snuggle

Oyster River in The New York Times


27 October, 2011

Worth reading

This really spoke to me.


22 October, 2011

I remember her laughing, smiling, scolding,
cigarette in hand,
Iced coffee in the tall glass on the counter. With cream.
Cube steaks and rice for Casey, ice cream with Magic Shell in those dishes.
Joy, tears, anger, forgiveness.
Answering the phone when I needed a friend, long letters, too many to count over the years.
The rings on fingers,
Loving them so, never truly understanding the loss that would accompany them becoming always mine.
The absence of father left room and need, and, all those years later,
we came together again.
Summer vacations, teaching me to drive.
Long nails gently scratching my arms and back. Zinc Pink. Calm in my storm.
I swear I could smell that Babe powder when I opened the closet today, one last time.
Her 3 S's.
Understanding that now.
Loving, forgiving, accepting.
Oh, and the Scott's Casserole. Always the Scott's Casserole.

Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want...

21 October, 2011

Pearl Jam

Noah just came downstairs while I had the PBS Pearl Jam documentary on. He immediately walked toward the TV, dropped his jaw, and bent half way over the lean on the couch.

"Who is this?" he asked. It was actually more like "Whooo iiis thiiis??"

This from the boy who at 2 told people his favorite singer was Bob Dylan. We went on and talked about it.

The list of things that I love about this child is endless, but his reaction to music, his connection to it, makes me feel like we share a secret. Music speaks to him, it hits him, hard. Me too. He is so much like his Dad in so many ways, but I get this one, and I love it.

16 October, 2011

Sunday School Poetry

Swimming, fishing, folding

Blue as the blue angels
Origami paper planes
Brother, Son, Big Brother

Child of God
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15 October, 2011

I went to call Gram last night to tell her that William was walking around the house carrying a picture of Casey. I wonder for how long these things happen?

07 October, 2011

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

Steve Jobs

04 October, 2011

Some days are hard. I know this comes as a surprise to no one. Friends, family, people you love, they suffer. We, ourselves, suffer. If we are very lucky we each have a few people we can count on, without fail. Unconditionally. I have a bit of those people, they have mostly been the same for nearly half a life time. More. Can you believe it's been that long? I am so very thankful for them.

My heart and prayers are going out to some very special people and their families as they courageously face very difficult days.

God offers me the sweetest reminders of how precious life is everyday in the ways of my children. I am so grateful for moments like these, so pure and sweet. Digging in the dirt. With hat. And mittens. In warm September. Time goes on, all things will pass. Sometimes way too quickly.
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"When people can walk away from you, let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anyone that left." Jakes

01 October, 2011

Reading another new book these days. This especially resonated with me--

"Children brought up in homes where they are free to be different, vulnerable, candid, and to make mistakes learn firsthand what the genuine love of God looks like."

from Grace Based Parenting